Scarlett Higgins
Associate Professor

- Department:
- Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies and English
- Email:
- Office Location:
- Humanities 315
My research interests have focused on experimental literature and film and how a wide variety of artists have used juxtapositional art practices as means toward political resistance. This is the topic of my 2018 book, Collage and Literature: the Persistence of Vision (Routledge).
The current focus of my research is on the power of rationality (data, metrics, analytics) in our contemporary culture, moving from the immediate post-World War II period forward. One section of this project is published in Textual Practice as the article “Purity of Essence in the Cold War: Dr. Strangelove, Paranoia, and Bodily Boundaries.” (2018, 32 (5)); another section of this ongoing project can be seen in my chapter on Harryette Mullen’s poetry in the volume Evaluations of U. S. Poetry since 1950 (2021: University of New Mexico Press).